Medical Services
EMSELLA introduces a groundbreaking solution for incontinence and intimate well-being.
This cutting-edge technology transforms intimate health and wellness by presenting a non-invasive alternative for those dealing with incontinence, potentially restoring their confidence.
Using HIFEM energy, EMSELLA targets the entire pelvic floor area, facilitating the restoration of neuromuscular control. In a single session, EMSELLA triggers thousands of supramaximal pelvic-floor muscle contractions, playing a crucial role in muscle re-education and enhancing intimate well-being for both women and men.
Key benefits
Treatment is completely non-invasive
Patient remains fully clothed throughout the whole treatment
Once the therapy starts, the procedure runs independently
We are the only clinic in the Upper and Lower South-East of SA offering non-surgical treatment for Urge and Stress Incontinence along with Erectile dysfunction in men. Our medical equipment has been approved by The Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia and has greater than 95% success rate in treating incontinence and Erectile Dysfunction. You remain fully clothed in your own private room for each of the 8 sessions lasting 28 minutes each. Allow two clear days between each session. If you are contemplating hip or knee replacement surgery or having any metallic implant such as InterStim or heart pacemaker implants, then you should contemplate having your incontinence treatment done prior to any procedures mentioned above? Any metal implant will heat up resulting in adverse outcomes. Dental Implants containing metal do not present any issues – talk to our trained staff for more information.